Germantown, WI
Offering Grades K3-8
Current or former St. Boniface School families or Parish members can refer new families to SBS for K5-8th grade to receive a $1,000 tuition credit. The referred family is able to use their credit for enrollment in K5-8th. Once the new student(s) completes their first semester of school, both families will receive a $1,000 tuition credit. New student is enrolling in preschool? That's okay, the $1,000 credit will be applied once the student completes their first semester of K5.
Two options:
Option 1. Current friends and families of St. Boniface School fill out a perspective family referral form at the bottom of this page. This will give us the contact information we need to begin the process of enrolling the new family. If the family enrolls, you will receive a referral tuition credit following their completed first semester.
Option 2. The new family can complete the referral application and submit the completed application to the school office in person or online [email protected].
Absolutely and thank you for your generosity and support! We would love for you to join our efforts in refering families to SBS. If the new family enrolls, you can choose a current SBS family, the new family, or designate it to a classroom (supplies, high interest activities, and celebratory parties) to receive the $1,000 credit!
Any new families referred to SBS and enrolled for K5-8th grade. Preschool (K3-K4) enrollees would have their tuition credit added upon the completion of their first semester of K5.
New student is enrolling in preschool? That's okay, the $1,000 tuition credit will be applied once the student completes their first semester of K5.
Yes, they are transferable! The referral tuition credits are transferable while enrolled within SBS, either family can choose to transfer their credit to another SBS family or to an incoming family. Upon the students' graduation however, any unused referral tuition credits can no longer be transferred. Requests must be made in writing through the school office.
No, referral tuition credits have no cash value. They can not be redeemed for cash. If you do not need the credit, it can be transferred to any current SBS student/family including those who newly enroll.
Referral credits will not be offered for younger sibling enrollment or other members of a referring family's household.
First of all, congratulations on being an all-star at recruiting! The tuition credits earned may not exceed your family’s total annual tuition bill. If the tuition bill due is less than the referral credit earned, can be transferred to another family.
No. Enrollment is always open and so is this program. All tuition credits will be added the semester following the completion of their first semester.
The school office can help you with any additional questions.
Contact the School Office